Home LearningDid You Know? We are Delighted to Introduce the Global Skill Seekers Award: Empowering Futures, One Skill at a Time!

We are Delighted to Introduce the Global Skill Seekers Award: Empowering Futures, One Skill at a Time!

by Belinda Breeze

Our aim is to provide an incredible extracurricular learning opportunity. With a range of citizenship tasks, life skills, understanding the world, sustainability and community challenges. Our website and app will offer children the opportunity to record and evaluate their work with evidence in a form that is familiar to them – text, photos, and videos. We want to encourage children to take ownership of their independence through enquiry, experimenting, and by taking responsibility for improving their skillset.

We welcome children from 4-12, with age-appropriate challenges that place enquiry, critical thinking, and independence at their core. Each Award will include a series of citizenship and life skills written to encourage being a valued member of society and new skill development. World challenges are included to ensure children learn more about the customs and culture of the country they are currently living in as well as valuing their own home traditions. Our community challenges are written by a team of experts in their industry or field of expertise. For example, George Peterkin from Mind Your Health Ltd., has crafted a series of mental health challenges for children to work through.

School’s have the option to add bespoke challenges linked to their own SIP, making the GSSA bespoke to each school

The team from Tuu, the only sustainable school tracking group, has crafted unique challenges to encourage enquiry and responsibility linked to sustainability at home and in the community, ideal for the countdown to COP 28 and the Year of Sustainability in the UAE.

Finally, each school will be able to craft two bespoke challenges linked to their own School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP challenges will be assigned to all children in each year group with the GSSA team supporting each school in differentiating the language for year groups.

This will give valuable evidence for any school to prove action taken on two key priorities linked to their school improvement. A portfolio of evidence will be accessible upon request at important times such as the end of terms, governors’ meetings, or inspections. There are also additional options such as National Agenda – Cultural identity tasks and BSO ‘Britishness’ activities. Again, these will generate a whole school evidence portfolio.

There are also additional options such as National Agenda – Cultural identity tasks

Our website and app have been designed to support the whole community and to ensure safeguarding. With different access for staff, parents and family, and of course the children! Children will upload to their own secure account via the app/website. Truly sustainable, no paper is used and evidence is collected in a modern and familiar way for children – vlogging videos, taking digital photos or typing text evaluations and notes. PDF resources will be available on the website should parents/children choose to use paper templates if recording evidence in the traditional way is a personal preference.

This carefully designed Award will also have language tabs so that it is a true global award and children will have the opportunity to read challenges in their own home language, ensuring it is fully inclusive

Dive into the details and expand your understanding of the Global Skill Seekers Award by clicking the link below