Home LearningExcellence In...Schools Brighton College Dubai Pupils Celebrate Outstanding GCSE Results  

Brighton College Dubai Pupils Celebrate Outstanding GCSE Results  

by Belinda Breeze

Brighton College Dubai is delighted to announce that pupils achieved outstanding GCSE results for the third year in a row. This year all subjects were awarded numerical grades, with Grade 9 being the highest. Given how few of these were awarded worldwide, Brighton College Dubai is particularly delighted that 21% of the College’s grades secured this top-level at Grade 9. In addition, 76% of all entries have been awarded Grade 9-6, which is ‘outstanding’ under the KHDA framework. 

Raw results, while impressive, are only part of the Brighton College Dubai story.  More notable still is the fact that value-added, the measure of the progress pupils have made from their starting points upon joining the College, is positive.

Percentage of pupils achieving Grade 9 is quadruple the UK average for Grade 9s in 2019

The highest grades in the College were awarded to Henry Fliss – a staggering 9 Grade 9s.  Given the well-publicised reduction in the awarding of the top GCSE grades this year and a well-reported reduction in grade boundaries moving back to 2019 levels, this is a first-class set of results for the chess and cricket champion. 

High achieving pupils celebrating top level grades this year include: 

Henry Fliss:                                     9 Grade 9s, 1 Grade 8

Haryssa Mansury:                         6 Grade 9s, 4 Grade 8s   

Megan Silvius:                               6 Grade 9s, 2 Grade 8s and 2 Grade 7s

Mohammed Al Shamsi:               3 Grade 9s, 3 Grade 8s and 2 Grade 7s

Simon Crane, Head Master of Brighton College Dubai, said: “I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our GCSE cohort who have exceeded their targets. I would like to thank our dedicated staff, pastoral support team and parents who have gone above and beyond in providing pupils with excellent teaching, support and subject knowledge. My warmest congratulations to our excellent pupils and staff on these fantastic achievements!  As well as being academically dedicated, our pupils have been involved in all other aspects of school life, including taking on wellbeing initiatives, sports and leadership positions.”

Most common grade in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Art is a 9

Jane Clewlow, Head of Senior School, Brighton College Dubai, said: “I am delighted with the performance of our third GCSE cohort.  For a year group that has struggled with disruptions to learning during the global pandemic and a well-publicised return to pre-pandemic grade boundaries from examination boards, this year’s results are even more impressive.  The positive value-added measure shows the impact of high-quality teaching combined with academic and pastoral support.  As a College we are immensely proud of their results.”

The outstanding GCSE results achieved by this year’s cohort are a true testament to the academic excellence that Brighton College Dubai is renowned for, as well as the exceptional teaching practices in place to support pupils.  For the third time in its five years of operation, the young school has demonstrated that its pupils’ results are amongst the very best in Dubai. 

To read more from Brighton College Dubai