Home LearningExcellence In...Schools Teen Entrepreneurs from Trusity’s TruPreneurs Programme introduce Innovative Health Application- HART

Teen Entrepreneurs from Trusity’s TruPreneurs Programme introduce Innovative Health Application- HART

by Belinda Breeze

At the highly anticipated entrepreneurship competition – TruPreneurs Investor Pitch, hosted by Trusity; two budding entrepreneurs, Jad Rabih Jamal and Khaled Mohamed, showcased their innovative health application, HART, to a panel of esteemed judges and fellow competitors.

TruPreneurs is a dynamic program shaping the next generation of innovative thinkers and entrepreneurs.

The TruPreneurs Programme draws on evidence based frameworks for maximum achievement. It targets high school and university students aged 13+, promoting Innovation, Creativity and Global Change. The 3 step program directly links to UN SDG’s and takes learners through stages of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Art of Communication to develop an impactful and viable business idea. The program culminates in a Final Investor Pitch where the young entrepreneurs pitch their idea to a panel of judges and investors.

Jad Rabih Jamal, aged 16, and Khaled Mohammed, aged 14 (Raffles World Academy) unveiled their AI-based application, Hart, aimed at tackling the prevalent issue of heart health in the UAE. Their product, which stands for Health Amplified Risk Temperature, aims to reduce the risk of heart-related ailments through personalised surveys and tailored health activities, both physical and mental, accessible via an intuitive dashboard.

When asked about their motivation for participating in the competition, Jad expressed a desire to delve into the world of business and entrepreneurship, echoing Mohammed’s aspirations of becoming his own boss in the future. “We saw this competition as an opportunity to learn about business and entrepreneurship firsthand,” Jad explained.

Their inspiration for the project stemmed not only from a passion for entrepreneurship but also from a desire to make a tangible impact.

“The potential startup funding package of 10,000 AED was enticing,” Mohammed admitted, “but more than that, we wanted to kickstart something bigger, something that could positively impact our lives and the community.” For Jad, the journey was inspired by his father’s unwavering support and encouragement. “My dad always knew I wanted to start my own business,” Jad shared, “and despite my initial hesitation, his belief in me pushed me to take this chance.”

Looking ahead, both entrepreneurs envision a future filled with new ventures and projects, building upon the lessons learned during their entrepreneurial journey.

“We have received valuable feedback and insights that we can implement in future endeavours,” Mohammed noted. “Our goal is to continue learning and innovating.” Reflecting on their experience, Jad and Mohammed offered advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasiSing the importance of starting and refining one’s ideas. “Start now, even if you’re unsure,” Jad urged. “And focus on your idea; make sure it’s not only good but also relevant to your target audience,” Mohammed added.

Their strategic approach, coupled with a compelling idea, propelled Jad and Mohammed to participate in the program and competition, serving as a testament to the power of innovation and determination.