Home LearningDid You Know? Free online courses with Alison

Free online courses with Alison

by Belinda Breeze

Looking for a beneficial way for your kids to spend their online time? Or perhaps you’d love a productive way to spend your winter evenings? Alison is a worldwide company that offers free online courses in a wide spectrum of areas and subjects. So, your child can spend their screen time learning and developing important skills, or useful hobbies. Or, you can add a notch in your belt by learning a new skill or sharpening up existing ones!

Alison is a social enterprise that offers over 4000 courses to more than 30 million learners in 195 countries. Learners can choose from the vast list of course options – whether they’re looking to improve knowledge in a certain area, explore career options or take their hobbies and interests to the next level.

Alison offers a huge selection of courses in everything from health and personal development, to IT, business and languages

Alison was founded in Galway, Ireland, in 2007 and has grown organically to become a major force in free online education and skills training. Now, as one of the world’s largest free learning platforms, Alison believes that free education, more than anything, has the power to break through boundaries and transform lives.

With a huge selection of courses in everything from health and personal development, to IT, business and languages, Alison aims to empower its learners through their values of knowledge, inclusivity and innovation.

To read more about Alison and check out the full course list